Kim Loo Ting is an old folk home that deserves to be supported as it sincerely helps the elderly patients who are terminally ill but have to leave the hospital(s), homeless and single without any dependents. The patients are given a decent and clean place to stay with proper care until they leave this world. We donated RM1,600 towards the home's bereavement fund.
Dhamma sharing at Kim Loo Ting. Seat in the middle (in blue T-Shirt) is Bro. Eddie, an American red Indian who frequently volunteers at BMSM bookshop.

We then proceed to Taman Ikan Emas, Cheras (焦赖金鱼村四楼巴刹隔壁)to visit an orphanage set up by Xin Hui Buddhist Society (信慧佛学会), which is located next to a wet market.
The orphanage has about 10 children, aged 7-15, which is housed in this Buddhist Centre. Its name is "Boddhiseira Sanctuary" (菩提禅刹).
It has a professionally landscaped garden. Here are three snapshots of the awsome garden.
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